www.sunshinesummitlodge.info - Drug Treatment and Alcohol Rehab Programs
(855) 734-2223

Sunshine Summit Lodge Treatment Programs

Recognizing that struggles with alcohol and drug dependency can be a lifetime effort, Narconon developed a program to provide clients with the tools and knowledge necessary to make it a successful journey that helps maintain sobriety and achieve a better state of well-being. Using the principles of the Narconon Fresh Start Program, San Diego, California County's Sunshine Summit Lodge has been able to ensure that approximately 76% of its graduates enjoy sustained sober living - a rare statistic among drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs as most only guarantee between 10% and 25% success rates. What makes this program so successful? Clients are viewed as students of life, not addicts; therefore, the approach involves ongoing learning about one's self to overcome the issues that lead to drug or alcohol addiction in the first place.

Combining courses that address the physical cravings and physiological addiction to those that focus on the internal issues and psychological and cognitive framework that needs to be modified, the Narconon program understands that clients are human and will be faced with challenges and temptations throughout their life. Equipping them with the best information and skills has provided a way to take a different course and address challenges head on without relapsing.

Integral in the intensive education process are courses like the Ups and Downs in Life Course, Personal Values and Integrity Course, Changing Conditions in Life Course, Way to Happiness Course and Battle Plan. These help students understand what can be constructive or destructive in their life and assist them in determining how to make positive and beneficial decisions. The courses are also designed to help students look forward rather than regret and feel guilty about their past behaviors and choices. Yet, the program also acknowledges that life changes in terms of relationships outside of the program so it is important to prepare them for re-entry into others' lives and into the community, including a Battle Plan as part of the program's graduation to get each client to show how they will apply what they learn once they have left Sunshine Summit Lodge, mapping out their ongoing sobriety and happy lives.